Friday 13 January 2017

We put a lot of trust in...

...our tyres

Typically full of air, our tyres provide us with a comfy ride, they grip the road when cornering and help us to stop when we apply the brakes.

The smallest of holes can leave your tyre flat, loss of tread can lead to skidding and poor control when you break.

Our self-confidence is like a tyre. When we are feeling great typically we are pumped up just like a tyre but if our self-confidence suffers a small hole it can eventually leave us flat and non-responsive.

Overcoming a fear such as learning to scuba dive can quickly mend that hole and get you back to the inflated person you were before.

Get pumped up because its time to 'Dive For Your Life'

Good luck and don't f**k it up

Wednesday 11 January 2017

We put a lot of trust in...

...the weather forecaster

Open an app, switch on the radio or TV or just a look out the window and you will know what is going to happen with the weather today.

The forecaster generally has an accurate predication of what is expected for the coming few hours, day or even week, but how often do they get it wrong.

Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict an outcome. Forecasting helps us to plan, to take an umbrella or coat, but our instincts are keener than science or technology.

The same with diving sometimes we can get it wrong. Trust you gut, if something doesn't feel right it probably isn't, so don't risk it.

Make sure you have good weather because its time to

'Dive For Your Life'

Good luck and don't f**k it up 

Tuesday 10 January 2017

We put alot of trust in...

...our maps app.

Whether you use Google Maps or Waze or some other GPS device you will appreciate how it makes your life easier.

As a frequent traveler I would be lost without these helpful apps.

What would happen if these apps stopped functioning, got hacked and the information corrupted or they simply took us to a different destination.

Knowing where you are going all the time makes us feel safe, we are on the right path, we know our destination.

What if life turns our app off for a while, what if we don't know where we are going or we end up somewhere we did not expect due to corrupt data.

Would it freak us out or would we accept it as another opportunity to learn and experience the wondrous world around us?

Turn off that app because it's time to 'Dive For Your Life'

Good luck and don't f**k it up

#diveforyourlife #diveblog #dive #diver #scubadiver

Monday 9 January 2017

We put a lot of trust in...

Our employer

Our employer holds our purse strings, or welfare and our safety in their hands and we trust them to do that right thing with the trust we put in them.

We seek recognition of our efforts, we seek approval of our work and we seek adherence to the rules that bind us.

How do we manage if they let us down and don't live up to our expectations, how do they manage if we don't live up to ours.

Reflect on how much trust your employer puts in you to achieve the results they need and if you are keeping up your end of the bargain.

If not, then its time for a change

Its time to 'Dive For Your Life' and do the right thing

Good luck and don't f**k it up

We put a lot of trust in...

Traffic lights

As we sit at traffic lights in eager anticipation of them turning green we trust that the other lights are  going to turn red, avoiding a potentially serious accident.

In life there are times when the light does not turn red, or the other driver thinks they can make it through.

Relax, take your time, look both ways and be safe, you just never know if the other light is red or not, or the other driver will stop or not.

Its time to 'Dive For Your Life', not have a road accident.

Good luck, look both ways and don't f**k it up

Saturday 7 January 2017

We put a lot of trust in...

Our Instructor

... we work hard for our holiday and somewhere deep inside us we want a challenge, an adrenalin rush, we want to do something different and we are excited.

Just like sky-diving, bungee-jumping or water skiing we psyche ourselves up for the challenge that lays ahead.

We face a few fears such as not being 100% comfortable in water, having to breathe underwater and come to terms with the myriad of creatures we will encounter under the waves.

...and then we end up with an instructor that basically couldn't give a f**k. Sadly I have met some of these people. Typically in the industry too long, lost the passion and drive that they used to have, are control freaks and basically boring and miserable peeps.

Well thankfully there are so many amazing instructors out there who are passionate about what they do and they will make your experience worthwhile and immensely memorable.

You are the one parting with your hard-earned cash...demand the best experience you can from your instructor...if not...ask for another one!

Instructors make a pittance compared to most industries so when you find a great one, hug them, take a selfie, tell your friends and treat them with care and kindness.

We will love you for it.

Here's me getting a hug and a selfie from my student...

Remember it's time to 'Dive For Your Life' and choose and instructor

Good luck and don't f**k it up

Thursday 5 January 2017

We put a lot of trust in...


Seriously we can see through it, we can break it with our fist, a rock or most available objects however it seems to create an impenetrable barrier through which we cannot pass.

We have glass in our houses, offices and cars and this seems to be enough to keep people out, most of the time.

Glass is fragile and prone to break with ease yet it stops us in our tracks (literally sometimes) and deters us from crossing the boundary it creates.

The glass on your mask stops the water and other critters from getting in your eyes, remember to keep it clean and use a good defogger (Johnsons Baby Shampoo works for me). Its safer when you see where you are going.

Lets remember it's time to 'Dive For Your Life'

Good luck and don't FOG it up

Wednesday 4 January 2017

We put a lot of trust in

... 'use by' or 'best before' dates

How do we know the 'use by' and 'best before' date safeguards us from potential harm?

'Use by' dates are typically seen on products that go off quickly such as meat products, ready prepared salads and some dairy products. You should eat this food by this date otherwise it may make you unwell.

There are however some foods that may be safely eaten even after this date has passed as long as they are properly stored.

When it comes to 'best before' dates this is something completely different. Sometimes products may be safe to eat weeks after the 'best before' date such as canned goods, items such as frozen bread, or even sugary or salty foods.

As a diver, on a limited budget, sometimes it is tempting to use foods that are 'past' the due date to help get us through, however as someone who has had to go diving with his butt cheeks clenched together due to an upset stomach my advise is...

'if its past will make you poo'

Its time to 'Dive For Your Life'

Good luck and don't s**t in your wetsuit

Tuesday 3 January 2017

We put a lot of trust in...

Our brakes

Daily we jump on our bikes, scooters, superbikes or in our cars and every time we pull on the brake or push down on the pedal we expect to slow down.

What if one time we didn't slow down, what if we stayed at the same pace or even increased speed?

No doubt our heart would increase at the same rate, but do we have a plan, have we thought about what we would do?

When diving it is important to be able to slow down when you need to and to even reverse as required.

Do you have those skills?

Its time to 'Dive For Your Life'

Good luck and don't f**k it up

Monday 2 January 2017

We put a lot of trust in...

People to do the right thing

When it comes to working and being sick what is the right thing?

We love our job, we don't have a lot of sick days, we have no one to cover for us and we feel like crap.

What's the right thing to do?

Go to work, share our sickness with colleagues and customers


Stay home and get better

Trust me, your friends, colleagues and customers will love you more if you are not there.

Its time to 'Dive For Your Life'

Good luck and don't f**k it up for someone else