Wednesday 4 January 2017

We put a lot of trust in

... 'use by' or 'best before' dates

How do we know the 'use by' and 'best before' date safeguards us from potential harm?

'Use by' dates are typically seen on products that go off quickly such as meat products, ready prepared salads and some dairy products. You should eat this food by this date otherwise it may make you unwell.

There are however some foods that may be safely eaten even after this date has passed as long as they are properly stored.

When it comes to 'best before' dates this is something completely different. Sometimes products may be safe to eat weeks after the 'best before' date such as canned goods, items such as frozen bread, or even sugary or salty foods.

As a diver, on a limited budget, sometimes it is tempting to use foods that are 'past' the due date to help get us through, however as someone who has had to go diving with his butt cheeks clenched together due to an upset stomach my advise is...

'if its past will make you poo'

Its time to 'Dive For Your Life'

Good luck and don't s**t in your wetsuit

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